
Can Bunnies Eat Kale? (Curly, Stems, & More!)

Among the foods that can be offered to rabbits, many owners wonder if kale is safe to include on the list. Kale is rich in fiber and beta-carotene, but can rabbits eat kale?

Bunnies can eat kale; in adequate amounts. It can be a healthy food for them, bringing many benefits to their regular diet, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and fiber. It also has antioxidant properties that can help prevent disease and maintain the overall health of bunnies.

Even so, it is necessary to know the amount you should give your bunny, as it should be a casual food and not part of their daily diet due to the inconveniences your bunny can have if you give them too much.

Can Bunnies Eat Kale?

Bunnies can eat kale; this is a safe and healthy vegetable for them as long as it is fed in adequate amounts and introduced gradually into their diet to avoid digestive problems.

Incorporating kale leaves into your bunny’s daily hay feed can improve his health and mood as it is rich in vitamins A, C, and K. It is rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Kale may improve bunnies’ immune systems due to its beta-carotene content and may also protect and improve vision due to its lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin A content.

Also, kale is a good source of beta-carotene, which can help prevent age-related blindness in bunnies, and is a good source of fiber, which is essential to keep the digestive system functioning properly.

However, if you give your bunny too much kale, he may suffer from kidney problems due to its high calcium, phosphorus, and potassium content.

Bunnies metabolize calcium very differently from other animals. Unlike other mammals, rabbits’ blood calcium levels fluctuate widely, dependent upon the level of calcium in their diet 1.

And due to its high calcium content, it can also cause bladder sludge or kidney stones.

Can Kale Upset a Rabbit’s Stomach?

Can Bunnies Eat Kale Stems

Kale can cause stomach upset in rabbits if ingested in large amounts. This is because its high calcium content can cause digestive problems like gas, stomach upset, and diarrhea.

Just like people, rabbits require sufficient calcium daily to ensure the proper functioning of their bodies. Their digestive system does not allow calcium to be metabolized in a complex way.

For a medium-sized rabbit in good health, this equals approximately 510 mg of calcium per day 2.

Dehydrated kale is high in calcium, but its calcium content is much lower when fresh.

If a rabbit eats the recommended amount of pellets to get the necessary amount of calcium, it would have to eat much more than will fit in a half-gallon carton of kale milk to get the same amount of calcium.

Can Bunnies Eat Kale Stems?

Bunnies can also eat kale stems in moderation, as it is not harmful or toxic.

Unlike the leaves, the stems are harder and tougher, which helps wear down rabbits’ teeth and keep them healthy.

However, they can also be difficult to digest because they are tough. Giving them in excess can cause gastrointestinal problems and be a choking hazard for bunnies if not cut properly.

But, if you want to feed stems to your bunnies safely, you can feed them only the leaves and cut the stems into small pieces to make them easier to chew,

It’s also important to wash kale stalks thoroughly before giving them to bunnies to remove any pesticide residue or other chemicals that may have been left on the surface.

Can Rabbits Eat Curly Kale?

Can Rabbits Eat Curly Kale

Rabbits can eat curly kale, as it is very healthy for them.

Curly kale is a popular variety of kale, usually used as a garnish or in salads. It also has more fiber than the other varieties of kale.

Curly kale has a bitter and spicy taste, and the stem is stiff and woody, so removing it and using only the leaves is suggested.

In fact, they can eat all types of kale as they are healthy for bunnies if served in small amounts.

Bunnies can safely consume many types of kale, such as baby kale, collard greens, ornamental kale, and even kale you grow in your own garden.

Can Bunnies Eat Kale Flowers?

Bunnies can eat kale flowers because they are non-toxic and rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, fiber, and vitamins A, C, and K.

You can then harvest the flowers by cutting off the heads of the plants just below the leaves. Wash the flowers thoroughly before offering them to your bunnies.

Kale flowers can be given as part of your bunnies’ snack, along with leaves, stems, and other fresh vegetables and herbs.

However, some rabbits may not like kale flowers as much as the leaves, so observing your bunny’s reaction to this food is important.

Can Rabbits Eat Kale Daily?

Rabbits cannot eat kale daily. Although it is a healthy and nutritious option that can be given to rabbits, it should be an occasional snack, and it is necessary to avoid giving it daily.

Too much kale will cause kidney problems, bladder sludge, and kidney stones but will also give the rabbit’s urine a strong peculiar odor. Kale can cause severe diarrhea and even excess gas if fed to young rabbits.

In terms of quantity, you can give your rabbit a head-sized portion of kale 2 to 3 times a week with no problem. The amount of kale your rabbit can eat will depend on how much calcium and other nutrients it gets from other foods.

Keep it an occasional treat if your rabbit likes the taste, but watch for signs of gastrointestinal distress.

Before offering kale to your rabbit, wash it carefully to remove dirt and residues of pesticides and other chemicals. It is advisable to buy organic produce or grow your own vegetables at home whenever possible.


Rabbits can eat kale, as well as the stem and leaves, as they are rich in nutrients such as vitamins C and K, and can improve the immune system of rabbits for its beta-carotene content and can also protect and improve vision for its lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin A content.

Therefore, it is excellent as an occasional snack in your bunny’s diet, and monitor the amount and frequency of consumption, especially because of its high calcium content.

It is advisable to offer kale a couple of times a week and wash it well before offering it to the bunnies to remove any traces of pesticides or chemicals.

And if you doubt whether you should feed kale to your bunny, consult a specialized veterinarian for proper guidance.



2. Lowering Blood Calcium

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