
Can Bunnies Eat Eucalyptus? (Leaves, Wood, Oil, Bark, & More!)

While bunnies love to munch on greens and veggies, sometimes offering them something a little more exotic, like eucalyptus, is tempting. But is eucalyptus safe for bunnies to eat?

Bunnies can eat eucalyptus in small amounts. Eucalyptus leaves and small twigs are generally safe for bunnies to consume. Still, eucalyptus wood, bark, and oil should be avoided.

Why do you have to avoid parts of the eucalyptus tree, and are there any food alternatives?

Can Bunnies Eat Eucalyptus?

Bunnies can consume eucalyptus, but it should only be given in small amounts. Eucalyptus leaves, and small twigs are considered safe for bunnies to eat and have been found to offer health benefits due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Despite this, it is crucial to remember that eucalyptus should not make up a large part of a bunny’s diet, as consuming too much can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.

Moreover, ensure that the eucalyptus given to bunnies is free of pesticides, herbicides, or other harmful chemicals. As much as possible, obtain eucalyptus from a safe and organic source or grow it yourself in a garden free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Can Bunnies Eat Eucalyptus Leaves?

Can Bunnies Eat Eucalyptus Leaves

Eucalyptus leaves are generally considered safe for bunnies to eat and have been found to offer several health benefits. These leaves are rich in antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and boost the bunny’s immune system.

Additionally, eucalyptus leaves possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain and discomfort caused by various conditions such as arthritis, allergies, and respiratory problems.

Aside from their health benefits, eucalyptus leaves also make a tasty treat for bunnies. However, providing them in moderation is essential, as overfeeding can lead to digestive problems.

Always wash eucalyptus leaves thoroughly before feeding them to your bunny to ensure they are free from harmful chemicals or bacteria.

Can Rabbits Eat Eucalyptus Wood?

Eucalyptus wood should be avoided when feeding rabbits, despite its seemingly appealing qualities as a natural chew toy.

Eucalyptus wood contains high levels of tannins that can harm a rabbit’s digestive system and cause discomfort or even liver damage if consumed in large quantities.

Tannins are a type of plant compound that can bind to proteins and enzymes in the digestive system, making it difficult for the rabbit’s body to absorb nutrients properly.

Ingesting eucalyptus wood can also lead to digestive upset such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, and abdominal discomfort.

Therefore, it’s essential to keep eucalyptus wood out of your bunny’s reach and provide them with safe chew toys made from wood or other materials free from harmful substances.

Can Rabbits Eat Eucalyptus Bark?

Just like eucalyptus wood, eucalyptus bark should be avoided when feeding rabbits. Eucalyptus bark contains high levels of tannins that can harm a rabbit’s digestive system, leading to digestive upset or even liver damage if consumed in large quantities.

Ingesting eucalyptus bark can also lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, and abdominal discomfort.

Can Bunnies Eat Eucalyptus Oil?

Can Bunnies Eat Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil should never be given to bunnies. Eucalyptus oil is highly concentrated and can be toxic to bunnies if ingested.

If your bunny accidentally ingests eucalyptus oil, it may experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, eucalyptus oil toxicity can even be fatal.

Moreover, inhaling eucalyptus oil can also cause respiratory issues for bunnies. The strong scent of eucalyptus oil can irritate a rabbit’s sensitive respiratory system and cause sneezing, coughing, and even breathing difficulties.

Safe Eucalyptus Alternatives For Bunnies

If you’re searching for safe alternatives to eucalyptus for your bunny, there are several options you can explore. Fresh hay is an excellent option for rabbits as it’s a vital part of their diet and provides fiber to support their digestive system.

Additionally, leafy greens such as kale and parsley offer a range of nutrients that can benefit your bunny’s overall health.

In addition to hay and leafy greens, small amounts of fruits such as apples and bananas can make a healthy and tasty treat for your furry friend. However, remember that fruits should only be given in moderation due to their high sugar content.

Other safe options for bunny treats include carrots, bell peppers, and herbs such as cilantro and basil. These options provide a variety of textures and flavors for your bunny to enjoy while also providing essential nutrients to support their health.


While eucalyptus may seem like a tempting treat for bunnies, only certain parts of the plant are safe for consumption. Eucalyptus leaves and small twigs offer several health benefits. They can make a tasty snack for your bunny, but eucalyptus wood, bark, and oil should always be avoided.

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