
Can Bunnies Eat Cheese? (Why Not?)

Us humans love a cheese board on a Friday night! Can your bunny join you for some cheese?

Cheese is not a suitable food for rabbits. It’s high in fat, salt, and lactose, which can cause digestive upset and other health issues. If your bunny accidentally eats cheese, monitor them for signs of distress and contact your veterinarian if needed.

But there must be tasty alternatives so your bunny can snack with you!

Can Bunnies Eat Cheese?

One food that is not suitable for rabbits is cheese. Cheese is high in fat, salt, and lactose, making it challenging for rabbits to digest. Lactose is a sugar found in milk and dairy products that can harm rabbits because they lack the enzymes to break it down.

Ingesting cheese can cause gastrointestinal upset, leading to diarrhea, bloating, and stomach pain. These symptoms can be distressing for your bunny and may lead to more severe health issues.

Furthermore, rabbits have unique digestive systems that require a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Cheese is high in fat, making it difficult for rabbits to process, leading to obesity and other health problems.

The high salt content in cheese can also harm rabbits’ delicate systems, causing dehydration and other health complications.

What To Do If Your Bunny Eats Cheese?

Can Rabbits Eat Cheese

If your bunny accidentally eats cheese, it’s crucial to watch them for any signs of digestive distress.

Rabbits’ digestive systems are delicate and can be easily upset by foods, not in their regular diet. Some symptoms to watch out for include diarrhea, lethargy, and decreased appetite.

If your bunny shows any of these symptoms, it’s essential to contact your veterinarian immediately. Rabbits can quickly dehydrate, and gastrointestinal distress can lead to more severe health issues if left untreated.

Your veterinarian will be able to guide how to manage your bunny’s symptoms and may recommend a specific diet or medication to help them recover.

It’s worth noting that prevention is the best course of action for your bunny’s health. Keep cheese and other harmful foods out of your rabbit’s reach to avoid accidental ingestion.

Additionally, ensure your bunny has access to fresh hay, water, and a balanced diet to maintain their health and prevent digestive issues.

Why Can’t Rabbits Eat Cheese?

Rabbits have a unique digestive system that processes a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Unlike humans and other animals, rabbits lack the necessary enzymes to break down dairy products. This means that cheese is not only high in fat but it’s also difficult for rabbits to digest.

Additionally, rabbits are lactose intolerant, which means they cannot properly digest lactose found in milk and cheese.

Lactose is a sugar found in milk that can cause gastrointestinal upset, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Consuming cheese can exacerbate these symptoms and lead to more severe health issues.

Furthermore, cheese is not a natural food for rabbits. It does not provide the essential nutrients that they require for optimal health.

A diet high in cheese can lead to obesity, a common health problem in pet rabbits. Obesity can cause various health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory problems.

Cheese Alternatives You Can Feed Your Bunny

Why Can't Rabbits Eat Cheese

Fortunately, there are many healthy alternatives to cheese that you can give your bunny to ensure they have a balanced and nutritious diet. These include:

Fresh Vegetables: Rabbits love fresh vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, and beets. These are a great source of essential vitamins and minerals that your bunny needs to maintain good health. Vegetables also provide fiber, which is necessary for healthy digestion.

Fresh Fruits: Fresh fruits like strawberries, apples, and blueberries are a delicious treat for bunnies. However, fruits should be given in moderation due to their high sugar content. Too much sugar can cause digestive upset and contribute to obesity.


Cheese is unsuitable for rabbits as it can cause digestive distress and other health issues. However, there are many healthy alternatives to cheese that you can feed your bunny to ensure they have a balanced and nutritious diet.

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